Sunday 1 November 2009

30 days post op

Apart from my energy being quite low and having a flickering eyelid for nearly a week (the stress of preparing my accounts for the accountant I think) I am doing well. I did my rehab yesterday and felt good although I had a go on the cross trainer and today my hip is slightly irritated so I think its probably too early and I need to leave that for a while.

Other than that I did lots of hip opening work and lower ab stabilisation. I can more fully extend my leg now while lying on my back without it pulling on the hip flexor so its nice to feel the improvement. Stabilisation wise its a bit easy for me though so I lay on foam roller length wise, crossed my arms over my chest and did the same exercise which was much better.

Looking forward as always to a hydrotherapy session today. My favourite exercise is doing like an arabesque in the water with opposite arm and leg extended and holding for 2 mins. It just feels brilliant.


  1. How does hydro make you feel, what are you doing whilst there?

  2. Hi Louisa - I LOVE the hydrotherapy - It makes the hip just feel so fluid and easy when I've finished. I have been doing the exercises in Dr Schilders handbook. Plus just got my hands on an aquajogger so I've been pootling up and down the pool on that recently trying not to fall over.
